Purchase a Booth

Attendees of the 2025 UAS Summit & Expo seek solutions to the everyday challenges they face. When you purchase a booth, you're not just buying real estate in the exhibit hall, you're becoming part of the most comprehensive and dynamic event available in this dynamic industry. In addition to booth space, all exhibitors receive complimentary marketing through promotional e-mails and brochures, UAS Connect app, conference Web site and online exhibitor list. Be a part of the event defining the industry for years to come. Reserve your booth space today!


Exhibit Booth Includes

  • Booth package includes one (1) skirted table, two (2) chairs, power and Wi-Fi
  • One 8' x 10' (foot) booth and company identification sign
  • Two complimentary full conference registrations
  • Company listing on the conference website
  • Company listing in the conference app
  • Company mention in promotional e-mails and brochures

Booth Fees

Booth payment must be made online, with a credit card, at the time of purchase. A confirmation will be sent via e-mail after the checkout process is complete.

Booth Fees  
Inline US $2,295
Corner US $2,395
Premium US $2,695


To purchase a booth you must login or create an account, which will contain all the information routinely used when purchasing booths or registering to attend a conference. Once your account is created, you will no longer need to re-enter this information for future BBI International events.

  1. Login or register. You will need your e-mail address and password.
  2. Launch the booth map.
  3. Select a booth(s) of your choice and then click on "Checkout".
  4. Review your booth choices and choose a payment option.
  5. If paying with Credit Card, enter your correct billing information.
  6. You will receive a booth confirmation receipt via e-mail after checkout process is complete.

Booth Payment

Booth payment must be made online, with a credit card, at the time of purchase. A confirmation will be sent via e-mail after the checkout process is complete.

Booth Cancellation Policy

Cancellations must be received in writing via letter or e-mail – service@bbiinternational.com. A refund of 80% of the total price will be given for cancellations received greater than or equal to 180 days prior to the event. No refund will be given for cancellations received less than 180 days prior to the event.

Send written cancellations to:
BBI International
308 2nd Avenue North, Suite 304
Grand Forks, ND 58203

For more information contact BBI International at
service@bbiinternational.com or 866-746-8385.
All data and information collected at the UAS Summit & Expo is owned by BBI International. By participating, attendees, speakers, sponsors, and exhibitors are in full agreement of these terms.

Platinum Level Sponsors

Gold Level Sponsors

Supporting Organizations

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